Monday, July 06, 2009


Did you ever notice,

Sunday ends, Monday Blue,
You waiting for the weekend,
New task come, Problem rise,
You counting the dead line.

Meet someone special, Take a chance,
You make a contact,
Love and Break,
You never want to live.

Born in the family, with or without sibling,
Argument heat up, you don't wanna go home,
Fighting for what you believe,
and then, you waiting to go home.

Climb to top, fall apart,
Taste the pain, got some scars,
Betrayal and Forgiveness,
You stand up, and keep on walk.

At different stage of Life,
people keep on waiting,
After we get what we want,
Then we wait again...

Without knowing,
the time is passed,
we are aged,
finally will leave the world,
but we still waiting...


iriene said...

A very nice poem..
the reflection of life!
Therefore live your life to
the fullest!
Most people I met will asked me this big Q? Why u always take life very easy?
The answer is : When u r given 2nd chance to live, you will live to the fullest, a lot of thing in this world is not worth for you to waste ur time with (therefore : forgive & forget):D, Do drop by when u r online, tks!

Nes said...

Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.