Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Single, Couple and Many

And the conversation between Single, Couple and Many continues..

as they exchange all of their ideas and concepts...

sharing a couple of their thoughts...

but each of them is still defending their own concept..

even though they've accept the idea of the others

and each of them is just thinking their own concept is the best..

then the Tree speak..

Many, yes you are correct... the answer is many..

on the next minute, the Tree says..

Couple, yes you are correct too.. the answer is couple..

followed by...

Single, yes you are also correct.. the answer is single..

All of them started to puzzled...

No matter they are Single..

No matter they are Couple..

No matter they are Many..

all of them are the same, can you see the common things between?

everyone are live in the maze that have no exit...why do we need an exit?

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